Monday, September 22, 2008

Eisenbacher tribe visits Addison

Mike's college friends Harold and Janelle Eisenbacher visited Addison a few weeks back and dad forgot to post it! Here Harold and Janelle's children meet and hold Addison. We're looking forward seeing them in February for the annual Cihak Super Bowl Party.

No one puts Baby in a corner...

... but that doesn't relate to cats. It's sad when you can't put Addison in the bassinet because it is occupied by two large furry things...

Watching the Morris Tigers at Big Cat Stadium!

We brought Addison to Big Cat Stadium to celebrate Homecoming as the Morris Tigers played the Montevideo Thunderhawks. Jen found a great tiger costume for Addison and she was a big hit. The Tigers lost, but it was a great night for football.

Arriving at the Big Cat Stadium - probably the best football stadium in out state Minnesota - Addison and Jen wearing their tiger colors.

In the stands cheering on the Tigers.

Addison was always looking at her feet and her tiger toes.

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Addison is a Vikings fan!

No better way to teach a child the meaning of the word 'disappointment' than making her watch the Minnesota Vikings...

Addison wearing her Vikings' cheerleader outfit as we watched the Vikings' win over Carolina.

EPA Golf Tournament

Bob and I played in the 2008 EPA Golf Tournament held at Rush Creek in the Cities in August. We didn't bring home the hardware, but we enjoyed the beautiful weather on a great course.

Addison grows!

Addison wearing her favorite hat.

Hangin' out in her crib.

Sleeping on the couch after a long day of napping.